About myself

I'm 32 yearls old, originaly from Brazil. Since I was a child I've enjoyed colouring, creating, and drawing. As a traditional Brazilian, I've also loved sports, speacially playing football. From my teenager years I've started an interest in travelling, and later started a College degree in Tourism and Hospitality because of that. I come to Ireland in 2011 to learn English and to travel around Europe, I've travelled on my own and with friends, to over 20 countries around Europe. Nowadays I'm working in the Customer service department for Hostelworld, an Online Travel Agency, and would like to mix the love travelling with a UX designer position.

Why Frida Kahlo?

Frida Kahlo is an inspiration of artist from everything she went through in her short life and how much she has achieved. Her work is the extremelly power in my opinion with a mind ahead of its time. Also her style and how she paited her self-portraits brings a reflection and made a recogniseble image around the world. As soon as I went deeper into her life I thought would be a good character to make a Hero website. The colourful clothes, flowers in the head and strong facial features seemed like a good combination of design, and I really enjoyed to learn more about this facinating artist.